Monday, June 4, 2012

On Friday, our daughter Audrey aspirated into her lungs during a reflux event. Her airway shut down and despite the heroic measures of her Daddy performing CPR, she was deprived of oxygen for approximately 15 minutes. She is currently on life support in Greenville, South Carolina and is not doing well.

We have started a Facebook page to keep everyone posted as updates come. If you would like to be updated there, Praying For Audrey is the group page. Feel free to add friends, leave messages and share the link. We would love any prayers we can get right now.

We have been asked by friends and family who are not local if they can help financially since they are unable to help with meals and childcare for our other 5 minis. I have created a link to do that. We are 99% sure that all medical costs will be covered by our insurance, but we remember what gas expenses were to travel 1 hour each way with current gas prices and having to take all meals at the hospital cafeteria. If you feel lead, here is how to donate.

We love you all and can't thank the multitude of people who are praying, have brought a meal and just come to feed and rock a baby. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Few Changes...

Oh beloved I have missed blogging. I've missed so much this past year (YEAR!??! WOW...major blogging fail) Blogging is supposed to  be a way for me to vent, keep record of thought, muse, etc. I sure would have this past year, but I was too busy. Busy doing what you say?

Having QUADS. That's right. Four new people came into this world through my body at the same time. If the thought alone is daunting, try joining us for the 4am feeding.

We welcomed; (<----- notice the semicolon because I am about to make a list....gah!) James Gabriel, Audrey Carolyn, Braden Andrew and Emily Elizabeth. They were born at 30w4d and are all home now, happy & healthy. But before you all skim this post for answers to burning questions, I'll just answer them now and address common comments that we receive on a daily basis.

1. We did not "put back" any eggs. We did not conceive using IVF. It was the good ole fashioned way with the help of a few simple drugs.

2. No one is identical.

3. Yes, I do have my hands full.

4. Shooting ourselves never came up when we found out there were 4.

5. My reaction was shock. Who goes in thinking there will be 4!?!?

6. We will rear  them as you would any other child...that's what we are "going to do with them all".

7. I don't care how expensive college is when they are ready. No one paid for our college education. We earned it with scholarships and military service so it actually won't cost me a dime.

8. Yes, my grocery bill is going to go up.

I honestly think that the general population means well, but it's just that they have no filter from their brains to their mouth. Especially the medical employee who gasped and said "Oh God!" with the most disgusting tone you would have thought it was one child with four heads. All in all people have been very supportive. I spent 8 weeks living at Greenville Memorial Hospital (to be fed and monitored as I had ZERO medical issues! I never even went on bed rest!) and the quads spent between 6-8 more weeks. The total bill for all 5 of us ran over $1.3 million dollars. I'll never complain about insurance premiums again!

So from here on out I will blog as I can, hope to help other moms of higher order multiples (HOM) since I feel that as a twin who has twins and quads I'm becoming a bit of a specialist on multiples, and generally try to find the humor in my life. There is entirely too much crying as it is now....and the babies are loud too.