Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Economy

Since it's the big issue of the day and everyone else has commented on it and beat the poor dying horse, I'll throw my own 2 cents in.

Personally, I just don't understand. I know that it is the intent of every voter to elect officials that have our best interest at heart. That have the ideas for "change" and that would ultimately improve this country for our children. It ain't happenin'.

It really wasn't until my 30th birthday that I could mention running for public office without laughing. It can't be that hard. From the outside it actually seems like anyone with common sense could be gainfully employed as a Senator or Congressman. How difficult could it be to balance the budget? If I don't balance my budget monthly, my house is foreclosed on, my car is repossessed and I'm out on the street. Common sense, right?
I'd like to know how our public officials are better serving us with all of their Ivy League degrees. The political games, back-scratching and closed-door meetings aren't serving this country.

How difficult would it be to just look at all the programs that the US is funding and decide if they are required until we balance the budget and *gasp* possibly pay off our debts. If I don't have enough money at the end of the month, my Netflix subscription, gym membership, country club dues, etc. may need to take a back seat to my medical bills, food costs and grocery bills.

Raising taxes isn't the answer. I have a rental home I own. How awful would it be for me to say to my tenants, "I'm spending more than I make. Therefore, to pay my bills, I will increase your rent as often as I choose." ? It's irresponsible and I doubt anyone would rent my home for very long.

Where is the outcry for being fiscally responsible? Where is the rage of the American people for electing officials that finger-point, argue and play silly games of "he won't call me back!"? I'm outraged and will let more people know. I hope you do too.

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