I've learned; breaking in to a barn is easier than you would think, driving a stick is easier when you have to because everyone else has had a bit too much fun at the pub, yellow is not my color, and time and distance mean little in real friendships.
That is why I try to listen to my friends....the invaluable education!
So when a very good friend of mine, who is also a nurse, suggested that I try essential oils with Audrey, I feel awful for not listening. At the peak, Audrey was on 14 different medications. Hardcore stuff like Phenobarbital for seizures, Ativan, Morphine, Valium....the list goes on. Fourteen. Let that sink in.....14 meds. She was less than 20 pounds and less than a year old. At least 5 of those medications were to counteract the side effects of the other at least 9. It became a vicious cycle and ultimately took their toll on her tiny body.
I knew so much about Audrey. I would often be mistaken for a nurse and could go toe to toe with neurologists and most other specialists that attended our baby girl. I became a walking desktop pharmacology reference book for synthetic medication. I was behind modern medicine and put all my eggs in the prescription refill basket.
I knew what drug was for what issue, how to administer, side effects, drug interactions, etc....but I had no idea how they worked. I feared viruses because I thought drugs can rarely, if ever, kill them. And if they do you have to be concerned about mutation and drug resistance. There is a reason they call it "practicing medicine."
Then it all came down to a rash. A simple, painless rash that I fought in Emily's diaper area for over 6 months. Over the counter creams couldn't touch it, and it frustrated her pediatrician. He had prescribed over 6 different creams in 2 months. Each one required an office visit (read: $20 co-pay), the struggle of lugging a toddler into the office and waiting for hours only to be sold given a different cream that never worked. God love him, he tried! It certainly wasn't for lack of caring. He was truly stumped. Finally, we ended up putting her on a strong antibiotic AND and anti fungal. Two different oral medications, both with a laundry list of side effects. But what choice did I have!? The rash was spreading despite my best efforts and Mommy had to win!
Luckily, the medications worked. Which one, you ask? I have no clue since she was on 2 at the same time. I do know that the rash disappeared after about 4 days...only to return 3 weeks later! The side effects of the medication were not pleasant and I'll spare you the gory details. Let's just say my washing machine was constantly running that week. So did the medication help? Yes and no. Sure her rash was gone, but it took a toll on her body with no permanent fix. The next step was a referral to a dermatologist! Phone in hand, our doctor called. I'm glad now that I was too busy to ever set up that appointment!!
When the rash appeared again, we had just moved to another state. The hubby had a new job and was on a business trip for a week to Washington, D.C. I was ALONE with 5 kids; no sitter, no friends close by, alone. There was zero chance of me dragging all 5 kids into the doctor unless someone was bleeding. So I took a chance! Amazon came to the rescue!! I took a stab in the dark and went with the only information about essential oils I knew. Tea tree oil was antibacterial. If it was the antibiotic that fixed the rash, maybe tea tree oil could help. Prime 2-day shipping later and a balm arrived laced with tea tree oil, a.k.a. melaleuca. Within a 7 days the rash was gone! No upset tummy, no refusals to eat..not a word! She even ran every night to get her cream. I used it 3-4 times a day at diaper changes and.it.worked. No doctor. No pharmacy. No side effects. I was sold.
Then my friend's words came back to me and I wished I would have listened. But I have learned! I have learned that drug manufacturers are trying to copy nature and harness the power of these amazing plants, adding chemicals and fillers and wining and dining doctors to push their drugs. Are all prescription and over-the-counter medications bad? No way! There is a great place for modern medicine in our society. But I have waited through enough drug commercials as they list their never-ending side effects and possible interactions to know there has to be a better way. And there is!
I'm discovering new wonders each day. I want to share them with you....person to person, mom to mom, friend to friend. I want to help you heal your kids. To know we can help their bodies heal themselves and become healthier and stronger for it.
This week I want to share a rock star link. On this site you can cross reference oils and ailments. Not every oil will work for every person, despite the same ailment. That is why several are listed and suggested ways to use them. Carve out some time looking at this site. The education is amazing!
As always, share with friends and loved ones. I'll be blogging more on oils, Mommyhood and life so stay tuned.
If you're screaming "me too, me too" at your screen right now, then you can go here to grab some of your very own.
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